Monday, August 20, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 17,18,19,20

We are more than half-way through August Nahaiwrimo with the prompts getting even tougher. Hardly had I gotten over 'enlightenment' and the 'birth'ing pains, when my dear friend Alee Imperial Albano decided to spring the 'lion' upon us.I do not know about others, but I had to pull out a fair amount of my hair to come up with anything about lion. In the end, it was fun though. Here are all the prompts for these four days.

August 17 - "lion" - Alee Imperial Albano

circus lion-
his yawn bigger
than his roar

in autumn clouds
the goddess astride the lion

August 18 - "boats" - Alison Williams

One of my all-time favourite prompts. Ended up writing quite a few and set them aside for a rainy day. These two are the ones I posted at Nahaiwrimo.

writer's block-
my canoe stuck
in duckweed

dragged ashore-
the boat stained
with setting sun

August 19 - "humidity" - Susan Delphine Delaney

humid day-
the clothes-line
begins to sag

humid day-
a ladybug crawls out
of the air-conditioner

more and more humid
every day-
tomorrow's prompt on my mind

August 20 - "surrender" - Chrissi Villa

A beautiful prompt, although not very easy. After much writing and rewriting, this was the one I decided to go with.

to this dark,dark night
candle wax


Christine "Chrissi" L. Villa said...

I'm glad you loved my prompt. To tell you the truth, I had a hard time writing my own haiku for that. hahaha. You're right! This month has not been easy as the prompt got tougher as the days go by. I was stuck with "seams" for a long time. I thought it was just me who has been puller her hair out. lol.
Well, it has been so much fun. After the challenge, you've come up with great ones. :-)

sanjuktaa said...

Thanks for stopping by, Chrissi! Yes, it was the kind of prompt one wants to write about. A tad difficult, but i was happy with it in the end.I too am enjoying the poems you are posting...some of them very beautiful!