Friday, August 17, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 13,14,15,16

The prompts for these 4 days at Nahaiwrimo were all great, but hard to write about nevertheless.

August 13 - "love" - Gillena Cox

Love is always a beautiful subject for poetry or prose, but how do you haiku about it? My response was this:

how to describe
that green corn moon-
first love

August 14 - "enlightenment" - Carlos Colon

This must have been the most difficult prompt so far this month. I wrote:

whichever way i turn no escaping the streetlight in my eyes


sitting cross-legged waiting for the penny
to drop

August 15 - "chilli pepper" - Paul David Mena

An easier prompt, though i wanted to write about the colour...but that would have to wait.

with the in-laws...
hot chilli pickle

August 16 - "birth" - Christina Nguyen

Another tough one, next only to enlightenment! These were my responses:

grain moon-
her hand
on her belly


eighth month-
through her window
the ripening moon

In case you are feeling confused about 'green corn moon', 'grain moon' and 'ripening moon', these are all different names for the August full moon.

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