Saturday, August 25, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 21,22,23,24

Fellow NaHaiWriMo-an Jayashree Maniyil thinks the Nahaiwrimo this month is nothing less than a 'bootcamp' experience and I absolutely agree with her. The prompts keep on coming at us thick and fast like bullets and get tougher by the day. Sample the prompts for these past four days and you'll know.

August 21 - "driftwood" - Kathabela Wilson

I responded with a haiga for this and the next prompt.

picking driftwood
for the campfire-
which song shall we sing tonight?

August 22 - "forgotten things" - Alan Summers

This one was a killer alright.

lightning moon~
i don't remember
the scars at all

August 23 - "heat" - Pris Campbell

Sounds simple, but perhaps not so simple, particularly if one is trying to avoid writing about the weather.

coal-black eyes-
the colour of his anger

August 24 - "seam" - Susan Murata

Again very deceptive. Not being a seamstress,I found this very difficult to write about, until cricket cameto my rescue.

the highway
into the horizon

dating a seam bowler-
so many ways
this night could end

Hopefully, the prompts would get easier by the next week.
And before i forget, i am happy to say that i was awarded a HM for the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival(VCBF) haiku invitational. Michele Harvey was the winner and quite a few of my nahaiwrimo mates won HM and sakura awards.

Monday, August 20, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 17,18,19,20

We are more than half-way through August Nahaiwrimo with the prompts getting even tougher. Hardly had I gotten over 'enlightenment' and the 'birth'ing pains, when my dear friend Alee Imperial Albano decided to spring the 'lion' upon us.I do not know about others, but I had to pull out a fair amount of my hair to come up with anything about lion. In the end, it was fun though. Here are all the prompts for these four days.

August 17 - "lion" - Alee Imperial Albano

circus lion-
his yawn bigger
than his roar

in autumn clouds
the goddess astride the lion

August 18 - "boats" - Alison Williams

One of my all-time favourite prompts. Ended up writing quite a few and set them aside for a rainy day. These two are the ones I posted at Nahaiwrimo.

writer's block-
my canoe stuck
in duckweed

dragged ashore-
the boat stained
with setting sun

August 19 - "humidity" - Susan Delphine Delaney

humid day-
the clothes-line
begins to sag

humid day-
a ladybug crawls out
of the air-conditioner

more and more humid
every day-
tomorrow's prompt on my mind

August 20 - "surrender" - Chrissi Villa

A beautiful prompt, although not very easy. After much writing and rewriting, this was the one I decided to go with.

to this dark,dark night
candle wax

Friday, August 17, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 13,14,15,16

The prompts for these 4 days at Nahaiwrimo were all great, but hard to write about nevertheless.

August 13 - "love" - Gillena Cox

Love is always a beautiful subject for poetry or prose, but how do you haiku about it? My response was this:

how to describe
that green corn moon-
first love

August 14 - "enlightenment" - Carlos Colon

This must have been the most difficult prompt so far this month. I wrote:

whichever way i turn no escaping the streetlight in my eyes


sitting cross-legged waiting for the penny
to drop

August 15 - "chilli pepper" - Paul David Mena

An easier prompt, though i wanted to write about the colour...but that would have to wait.

with the in-laws...
hot chilli pickle

August 16 - "birth" - Christina Nguyen

Another tough one, next only to enlightenment! These were my responses:

grain moon-
her hand
on her belly


eighth month-
through her window
the ripening moon

In case you are feeling confused about 'green corn moon', 'grain moon' and 'ripening moon', these are all different names for the August full moon.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 9,10,11,12

We are almost at the end of the second week at Nahaiwrimo and i have been able at last to get some sort of momentum going. The prompts were interesting and these are what i wrote in response to them.

August 9 - "tide pool" - Patty Hardin

tide pool-
finding you again
and yet again

holding the stars
the sea left behind-
tide pool

August 10 - "grass" - Melissa Allen

meadow grass between my teeth the pungent taste of summer

rain quail
through grassland mist-
a call from an ex

August 11 - "water melon" - Stella Pierides

new moon-
scooping out the flesh
from the watermelon

August 12 - "holiday activities" - Annie Juhl

climbing the hills,
skipping across streams-
on Google maps

You can find out all about the ongoing NaHaiWriMo prompts here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo - 5,6,7,8

From day 5th to day 8th on August Nahaiwrimo... here are the prompts and my responses to them.

August 5 - "exploration" - Michael Nickels-Wisdom

after the spacecrafts
the moon probed
bat by bat

August 6 - "hope" - Johny Baranski

I'd write that poem...
kurinji in bloom

August 7 - "star myths" - Linda Papanicolaou

North star,
your dreamless eyes-
a nightjar's cry

August 8 - "spider" - Sheila Windsor

spent blossoms
caught in a spider's web-
pathway to old age home

You can find all about the August Nahaiwrimo and the 31 different prompters here.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August NaHaiWriMo -(1, 2, 3, 4)

August Nahaiwrimo has started with a bang and here are the prompts and my responses to them for the first four days.

August 1 - "heart" - provided by Kat Creighton

a sparrow's heartbeats-
holding the new-born

August 2 - "full moon" - provided by Judith Gorgone

One of my all-time favourite prompts, yet strangely, i couldn't come up with much. Wrote and discarded at least ten of them and finally settled on this one.

full moon-
turning the key
in the latch


the key in the latch-
full moon

(revision suggested by Freddy Ben Arroyo)

August 3 - "sand" - provided by Vincent Houreau

beach holiday-
resigned to the sand
in my soup


sand dunes
as far as the eyes go
you, you and only you

August 4 - "karumi" (lightness) - provided by John Carley

in the wake of the waterfowls the lightness of ripples


unknown seabird-
the anchor rope tilts
ever so slightly