Saturday, February 4, 2012

February NaHaiWriMo - Day 4 - D

D for dog...that's the prompt for today.
Not that it's my favourite subject, but one way or other, I have ended up writing a number of dog haiku or small stones these days. So here are three haiku...two of them i posted today on NaHaiWriMo and one from a few days earlier.

a black dog stalking me from dream to dream

lengthening shadows -
the dog rests its head
between the paws
spring wind -
somebody whistles
to his dog


Yousei Hime said...

I like all of them. Funny how some things we write, we are the only ones that love them. Then other things we write we reject, and others adore. So strange. My dog haiku could only be described as gross. I think it works better without the image--takes on more meanings.

sanjuktaa said...

Many thanks, Yousei. You're right. Sometimes the ones we never thought much of end up getting unimaginable responses.The bottom line is: you cannot please all the people all the time :-)