Saturday, January 18, 2014

(January 2014 mindful writing, day 18 ) In Kat Creighton's memory

 The news that Kat Creighton , the haiku poet from Jersey, passed away two days ago, came as a shock this morning.

I had met Kat on the NaHaiWrimo site, when I joined it in 2011 and she had only been a Facebook friend, yet it feels like I had known her always.She was a wonderful poet and I had been a regular visitor to her blog, which features prominently here among my blogroll. Here is the last poem she posted on NaHaiWriMo on January 14th, the day before she died.

three quarter moon -
impossible to distinguish what is
from what isn't

Another one by her that I loved:

falling leaves
so many ways to count
our numbered days

Kat had been giving the prompts on NaHaiWriMo this month also, when one day she simply failed to turn up.

My  small stone today is in Kat's memory, based on the prompt given at NaHaiWriMo today .

are  there angels
...misty woods 

Rest in peace, Kat Creighton.I will always miss your voice.

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