Monday, May 20, 2013

RaedLeafPoetry - India Award contest

Hi there!
So I'm back again after a long trip and a longer break and boy, am i happy to be back here!

Hope you all have been well and missing me just a little, perhaps!

As for me..I've missed a lot on the poetry scene and when i found Alan Summers was giving the prompts this month at NaHaiWriMo, i leapt to grab the chance, though am finding it so difficult to get back in the groove... But I won't bother you with all that, instead let me tell you today about this poetry contest...RaedLeafPoetry - India Award contest that Linda L Ashok,(Or,Linda the Livewire, which describes her better ) the poet from Hyderabad, India and the author of the book Significance of the insignificant  is holding on the Red Leaf poetry site founded by her and which promises to be really exciting. She has already finalized the list of  jury which consists of some well-known names from India and abroad.

Apart from haiku and related short forms , she will be accepting poetry in other genres as well.
Please take a look at Linda's page on Facebook here or contact her directly for all the details to make this contest a success by participating and sending in your best poetry. 

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