Monday, July 29, 2013

29th July, 2013

placing the red dot
between the eyebrows-
her smile to herself

Saturday, July 27, 2013

28th July, 2013

rain-drenched crocus
a stray kitten
at my doorstep
27th July, 2013
(prompt::any water blossom/water lily)

rippling  pond    the stillness of waterlilies

My orphan poem

July shiki kukai results are out and my haiku is languishing there somewhere near the bottom. As expected.At least I was smart enough with the request for that saves me the embarrassment.There are many such poems of mine from many past kukais..all.lying unclaimed, disowned.Will I ever have the confidence to own up these orphaned poems of mine?

evening glow-
an orange rim to the notes
of rain

Friday, July 26, 2013

 26th July, 2013
(Prompt: ruby)

stopped in my tracks-
those ruby eyes
at traffic lights

Thursday, July 25, 2013

25th July, 2013
( Prompt:shell)

 empty cicada shell       echoes from long ago

The interview by Ramesh Anand

Ramesh Anand, the noted haiku poet from India did an interview with me which went online on Muse India and Boloji poetry site on 23rd July, 2013.

You could read the interview here and  here.

Thank you, Ramesh, for giving me this platform to talk about something I am passionate about!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trying to catch up in the last week of Gillena Cox's prompts on NaHaiWriMo, if I can!

23rd July, 2013
 (Prompt: swan:)

after the swan's flight the color of dusk

Monday, July 1, 2013

International kukai June 2013

mountain pass-
weaving in and out
of a hawk's cry

1st place winner (46 points)
This was done in response to a photo prompt by Rita Odeh. You can see the photo by clicking on the link above.